Thursday, June 16, 2005

Morning Commute: Entry Thirty Three:

Commute Reading

Title: Ulysses

Author: James Joyce

Year Published: 1918

Overview and Reviews:

Good write up about Joyce and Bloomsday from last year's Village Voice.,essay,54321,1.html

Personal Comment: Today is Bloomsday, the fictional date Joyce used in his epic day-in-the-life account of "everyman" Leopold Bloom. Ulysses was the first book I read when I started commuting to work. I quickly realized that the long commute early in the morning, wide awake with nothing to do, was the perfect time to study something that I long wanted to but never found the time. I had to read five books of analysis and criticism simultaneously to understand it but it was well worth the endeavor. Provided one finds oneself with a few hours a day with nothing to do and sleep really isn't an option, this is a good use of that time.

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