Monday, February 14, 2005

Morning Commute: Entry Ten:


bb said...

i did that once with a headband to chat with tricia and do the dishes at the same time, then i got a HEADSET! hahaha, people are funny... here in athens you sometimes see people talking while driving their mopeds!

Justin said...

I have one of those. Bluetooth. They are awesome. Awesome, I tell you.

bb said...

what is it killy? can justin actually hang his telephone on his ear instead of using a headset? philippe thinks it's one of those thingamabobs that is a wireless transmitter, but yr drawing looks (to me) like a phone stuck in some guys' hoody, like low-tech-solutions-r-us!

Found in the Alley said...

the drawing is of a muslim girl with a practical use for her hijab (head dress) - to hold her cell phone while she commutes.